Turnamen Mobile Legends - PORSI "ARCADIA" 2017

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Turnamen Mobile Legends - PORSI "ARCADIA" 2017 dimulai tanggal 8 - 10 November 2017
Pendaftaran dibuka hingga tanggal 7 November 2017

Turnamen Mobile Legends - PORSI "ARCADIA" 2017

- Detail Turnamen :
Pendaftaran hingga 7 November 2017
Match Day : 8 - 10 November 2017
No Skin Allowed

- Requirements :
°Photocopy of KM (for UNTAR) or KTP (for Public) (1pcs)
°Photo 3x4 (2 pcs)
°1 team consists of 5 players and 1 substitute player (optional)
°1 team maximal 3 slots

- Venue:
Campus 2 Universitas Tarumanagara (beside Mall Ciputra)

- Registration fee :
•Rp. 100.000/team/slot
Multislot allowed

- Prize :
1st : Rp.2.000.000 + Additional Prize
2nd : Rp.1.000.000 + Additional Prize
3rd : Rp. 750.000 + Additional Prize

- Contact Person :
1. Johanes Steven
Line: johanes_steven
Whatsapp: 081528331959
2. Enrico Yola
Line : enricoyolaa
Whatsapp : 081990845048

turnamen mobile legends porsi arcadia november 2017 poster

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